Sex and City 紐約拉丁爵士夜-- Mitch Frohman X Vincent Hsu & Soy La Ley

(English Scrolled Down)

  • 美國拉丁爵士終身成就獎得主 (Latin Jazz USA Lifetime Achievement Awards)
  • 拉丁爵士傳奇鼓手 Tito Puentes 御用薩克斯風手


Mitch Frohman




還記得慾望城市(Sex and City) 熟悉的片頭曲,薩克斯風勾引情慾的演奏?聽到這段旋律,眼前彷彿又出現Carrie穿著粉紅澎澎裙走在紐約街頭,酒光約會中姊妹低聲的耳語,男人與女人間你進我退的引力。這次我們有機會可以聽到來自原創者Mitch Frohman現場的精彩演出。

Mitch Frohman來自紐約布朗區,自年輕時便擔任拉丁爵士經典Tito Puentes樂團薩克斯風及長笛樂手。同時也與 Mongo Santamaria band 演出

同時也是這三個優秀拉丁樂團 The Bronx Horns, The Mambo Legends Orchestra (former Tito Puente All-Star musicians),  Eddie Torres Mambo Kings Dance Show Orchestra 的團長

長達25年的表演生涯, 曾與 騷莎傳奇天后 Celia Cruz, 古巴拉丁爵士Machito, 古巴歌唱女伶 La Lupe, 波多黎各騷莎歌手Cheo Feliciano.... 同台演出,騷莎與拉丁爵士不只是他表演的類型,而是他整個生命的內涵。也許一開始認識他是從Sex and City的片頭曲開始的,然而Mitch能撩撥大家的魔力遠遠不只是這樣。


這次更邀請台灣古巴拉丁爵士第一把交椅的Vicent Hsu & Soy La Ley與Mitch Frohman同台演出,會激出怎樣的火花?更是讓人熱血沸騰、拭目以待!

來吧~我們從Sex and City的紐約街頭出發,來到充滿艷陽的哈瓦那街頭。性感而不膩的薩克斯風滑音與節奏感強烈的拉丁鼓聲交織出一張異國遙遠卻令人嚮往的街頭風景。


Dec. 28, please join us to the music journey back to NY Latin Jazz live house.

Mitch Frohman, from NY Bronx, is the Saxophonist/flutists of the legendary Latin Jazz Tito Puentes Orchestra & Latin Jazz Ensembles. Frohman is the leader/co-leader of three of the most in-demand Latin & Latin-Jazz groups; The Bronx Horns, The Mambo Legends Orchestra (former Tito Puente All-Star musicians), and the Eddie Torres Mambo Kings Dance Show Orchestra. He has also played with greats; Celia Cruz, Machito, La Lupe, Cheo Feliciano, Eddie & Charlie Palmieri, Blood Sweat & Tears, Paul Simon, David Byrne, The Spanish Harlem Orchestra, Milly, Jocelyn & Los Vecinos and even Aventura!

Of course his signature sound can be heard somewhere in the world everyday as he is the sax soloist on the theme of TV's mega- hit "Sex & The City". But Mitch's music is more than that. 
This time we invite Vicent Hsu & Soy La Ley, the Cuban-Afro Latin Jazz Band from Taiwan, to jam with Mitch on the stage. Can't wait to see the chemistry between the Soy La Ley and Mitch. 
Please keep Dec 28 for us. Let's join the jorney back to NY latin jazz clubs.




Fiesta Restaurant & Live House



票種 販售時間 售價
早鳥票 Early Bird

2018/11/19 00:00(+0800) ~ 2018/12/28 00:00(+0800) 結束販售
  • TWD$900
現場票 At Door

2018/12/28 00:00(+0800) ~ 2018/12/28 18:00(+0800) 結束販售
  • TWD$1,200
會員票 Membership

2018/12/02 00:00(+0800) ~ 2018/12/21 00:00(+0800) 結束販售
  • TWD$800